I failed! I failed miserably. I let one small thing snowball to make one big thing and made me one grumpy person. It is so hard to attempt to list what you are grateful for when you are just not in the mood. There is always next year! I didn't want to go out in a lame sort of fashion so I thought I would try to do a wrap up. I have alot to be grateful for and often I don't express it enough. I wanted to save the best for last. I have some amazing friends and some amazing family that pretty much sums up my life. between those two I have a huge list of joy that they bring in to my life. so for my last post I would like to show you what I am grateful for.
First is him:
I know I haven't been the best aunt growing up, maybe since he is now an adult it is too late, I don't know, but I have learned a thing or two from him (along with the others). I am grateful for the relationship that has been salvaged from my own teen years where I was... well... a teenager. We have had some good talks, simple mistakes, and some good laughs ( I swear I am buying this kid a calendar for Christmas so he wont forget his appts with me!) Here is to Chad... stop growing up.
Second is the guy:
He was premature, tiny and a fighter. I remember the first time he came home he literally slept in my bottom drawer from my dresser. He has been fighting his way through life since. He is small but tough. He is a kind of kid that everyone wants to be around because he can relate to everyone in some way. He is Bryce's mini me... heaven help me when they he stays at my house. I cant control either of them! Here is to Cam.... my mini Bryce.
Third is someone I cant post a picture of... sweet K. Someone that completes me! ok, in the girlish way that I have yearned for in a child that I don't have. She is simply a teenage girl. I love the little texts that I get in the morning. The calls when something exciting goes down. I can never have enough shopping trips with her! Maybe she could be a mini me in training???? no, I am too much of a devil :)
Fourth is also one that i cant post pictures of, T. I don't have alot in common with him but I have sat back and seen the once rambunctious child turn into one very tall, amazing, young man. He is one day going to make some girl very happy... but that is along way off. He ceases to amaze me in just saying 'hi' and turning it into to some random conversation. He is very smart... oh and he likes to annoy his sister. Just like my brothers. Just like his dad. Yep, he is a spitting image of his dad. Heaven help his sisters!
of course I hope you all have stuck with me for the last. The last is the best and most important! Him:
I love him. yep, I love him.
He is my life, my light, my reasons for breathing, thinking and living. He challenges me in ways I never thought someone could. He gives me thoughts to think about. He gives me time to myself. He lets me be selfish when I just wanna think all about me. He makes me laugh, smile and makes me want steal looks when I think he inst pay attention. He knows how and when to put me in my place. He lets me cry when I am having a bad day. When I least expect it, he pulls out surprises. He is my blond hair, blue eye, baby butt boy. Knight in shinning armor. He is my everything. and I. Love. Him.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I am very sorry about the rant I was on yesterday. I had to get that off of my mind. It has been a full day and my mind has been filled with possible solutions. The one that came up first was to simply delete those that I work with from facebook. Easy and simple. But there are people who I truly enjoy working with and I like having them in my life and they are my friends. Even then, How do I punish all for one person's big mouth when I am not for sure who was the one that open their mouth????? So tonight, when I came home I made a 'group' on facebook that is strictly people I work with. From here on out my posts are now blocked from them. All of them, except one. It makes me really sad that something was turned around into something it wasn't. It makes me sad that one person broke my trust. And it makes me sad that someone has nothing better to do with their lives that MY life consumes them enough to have a conversation about my facebook posts. Now we will get back to my regular scheduled program.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Taking a time out....
I am taking a time out from my grateful month to say a few thing that are on my mind... Bryce and I were talking this weekend about protesting and Freedom of speech. I believe that everyone should be able to speak their mind but there is a time and place for that. Maybe there was a reason for that conversation at this particular point of my week.
I had my manager approach me today about something he heard that was posted on facebook. This was not posted by myself but made to look like I posted it. Regardless, I laughed it off because there was nothing I could do about it but delete it. I wasn't mad.. Thing happen.. I do apologize if it offended anyone at all, it was not the intentions and it is not in my character to post something like that. However this is MY blog and it is MY Facebook page. I have never had ties to the company I work for on Facebook or my blog. I am very careful what I post and what I say. I also make sure my settings are under wraps for Facebook and I check my blog daily on who comes in. I don't post pics of certain people in my life out of RESPECT. I don't follow blogs because I want to maintain privacy for those who have blogs. With all of that said I think it is WRONG for people to say things that are not theirs to tell. It is very inappropriate for someone to bring my views/comments/posts to work when it isn't theirs to tell. These are MY things to share and no one has any right to drag my manager into especially when it had nothing to do with work. I respect all of my fellow bloggers and Facebook friends out there and I would hope they would do the same but I was obviously wrong. If anyone has a problem with what I put on here then don't read it... Plain and simple. Now it is time to go delete some people on Facebook. Trust no one. Again I am sorry if I have ever offended anyone but you bring that up with me... Not my family. Not with Bryce. And definitely not with my managers at work.. Especially when it has nothing to do with work. Period.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Holy crap I am behind. Every day is getting busier and busier. If I don't post in the morning I tend to pass out on the couch before I make my post. so I will make 2 before tomorrow. I guess this one is technically yesterdays... I am grateful for twilight. I know that sounds really retarded to some but really that movie gives me more than I can ever tell you. I love everything about it. My favorite scene is in the last movie eclipse when they are hiding Bella from the newborns and they are up in the mountains with that huge snowstorm coming in. I love it when she is freezing and cant get warm so Jacob snuggles up next to her. We cannot forget the moments after that when Victoria shows up and Bella saves the day by cutting herself to distract Victoria. That is when they go in for the kill! That scene is the best in all of the movies (so far). Twilight is #17 on my grateful list!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I missed another day! I had a valid reason... I didn't get home from work until 9 last night. I hadn't had dinner and was very tired. My alarm goes off at 530 in the morning so yesterday was one long day. So today you get a two-for. For yesterday's post, I was going to post that I am grateful for sister time. I have missed out on that a lot the last couple of years and I am loving it now! So that is my thing for yesterday. Stay tuned for another post later...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Half way there! I can't believe it! Today I had a moment that almost made me bawl (wouldn't be the first time I have done that at work). I have people at work that cease to amaze me! Some in a bad way, and some - very very few - in a good way. And those few who do amaze me in a good way do it quietly and when you least expect it. I hardly doubt I will ever have this particular co-worker read my blog but for today I am grateful for him. Who almost brought me to tears....
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
well today has been a reflective day and it is only noon! I came home today from spending the night with my SIL and was in bed cuddling with Bryce. While I was laying there listening to his soft snores I couldn't help but let my mind wander. Sometimes that is a great thing. I have this great big tree just west of our window. The weather is changing, the wind is blowing, and a snow storm is expected to hit us a soon. As I was looking at this tree I began to reflect on this past year. I began to see myself in this tree. The seasons are changing and so is life. I have had to decided to make a few changes in my life recently to get back to the happy person I once was. I was letting things get to me. So I told myself that with the seasons changing so would I. I haven't voiced this to anyone but Bryce. I was thinking back to where I was a month ago, 3 months ago, 6 months ago and even a year ago. I am that tree! When I was born I was this beautiful tree with a few green leaves. as I learned to walk and talk, the leaves on MY tree were changing. They were bright and bold and I am sure everyone love to see me glow as my life season changed... just like my tree outside. Then that became old and the boldness and bright colors wore off. Being so young, I don't remember but I'm sure I felt bare and cold. skip a few years ahead... I am a child trying to figure out who I am and where I belong in the world. I was green again, growing, getting stronger, and I have more leaves. I am warming up to my surroundings, I am in 6th grade finding myself. My leaves are getting bold, strong, bright and they stand out.... then BAM! I hit Jr. high school and I lose myself once again. My life is cold and bare and I have to kick into survival mode, I have to learn to adapted. This continues through my life. Through high school, through the adult-but-I'm-still-a-teen-phase, through relationships, through work, through all of the different aspects of my life. As I get older and go through the seasons changing I get bigger and stronger with more leaves and finer details of aging but it is a beautiful process. We cant forget either that there are birds who try to wiggle their way into your beauty and may poop on you, but is that what you want?? Going through life letting something so small crap on what potential we can all be??? 6 months ago I was that tree. Showing another sign of aging, letting the wind rip through my bare branches wondering if I was going to make it or be broken in the process. The sun came out, I started to get my green back - not standing out, trying to figure out what to do from there. Today I am that bright bold tree again. I show lots of color: yellows, orange and reds. This is something I yearn for - even when I have it. I am sure the wind will torment me and I will loose my leaves. For now I will keep telling myself: 'The seasons are changing and so am I.'
Today I am grateful for this bright, bold beautiful tree that was put in our backyard many many many years ago to teach me this one lesson I learned today. I am grateful I am a tree.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Today you get two in one. I had every intention of post last night, figuring I would be up late. Around 830 I snuggled next to Bryce and boom! I was out. cold. So I didn't make my NaBoPoMo. I will keep going though... today I am grateful my phone did arrive! On Time! Oh FedEx how I love you!!!! I have been eagerly watching my little truck on the map... waiting and watching, don't forget refreshing every 10 seconds. 5 days without a phone is NOT fun.
I love my new phone (even though I don't have it in my hands YET, or I haven't used it at all!) I love FedEx and I love Verizon!!!!
Oh for all of you who have to work..... PFFFFFF :P I have it off! Now it is time to go pick up my phone and have a day of fun with me SIL....
I love my new phone (even though I don't have it in my hands YET, or I haven't used it at all!) I love FedEx and I love Verizon!!!!
Oh for all of you who have to work..... PFFFFFF :P I have it off! Now it is time to go pick up my phone and have a day of fun with me SIL....
I love a little nailtherapy! It does wonders. I am so glad this week is over and what a way to end it by hitting up the nail salon and having pretty fingernails. That is my love for today...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I spent the first two hours of work thinking that today was Thursday. Man when 8:30 rolled around I was in for a rude awakening. Usually I am a day behind - it is never good to be a day ahead. It kinda ruined my morning... I curse you Wednesdays!!!
Today I am glad that I have a new phone on the way... sad that I am still out of a phone. For those who don't have facebook - my phone company crapped out on me. I do not like tmobile. Then they delivered the bad news that they changed my bill date and 'forgot' to tell me causing all sort of havoc on not paying my bill on time. Them telling me that = one MAD Sam. It was not a fun picture. To top it all off, they hung up on me :( so now I am switching providers along with getting a new phone. Tmobile is going out of business and the last 6 months have not been fun ending in them losing one long time customer.. so for those who have called me or sent me a text - and I haven't responded... I am not ignoring you, although there are a few people I want to! My phone wont send any outgoing calls or text.. but I can receive incoming. so here is to a new phone! Can Friday come any faster???? PLEASE????
Today I am glad that I have a new phone on the way... sad that I am still out of a phone. For those who don't have facebook - my phone company crapped out on me. I do not like tmobile. Then they delivered the bad news that they changed my bill date and 'forgot' to tell me causing all sort of havoc on not paying my bill on time. Them telling me that = one MAD Sam. It was not a fun picture. To top it all off, they hung up on me :( so now I am switching providers along with getting a new phone. Tmobile is going out of business and the last 6 months have not been fun ending in them losing one long time customer.. so for those who have called me or sent me a text - and I haven't responded... I am not ignoring you, although there are a few people I want to! My phone wont send any outgoing calls or text.. but I can receive incoming. so here is to a new phone! Can Friday come any faster???? PLEASE????
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Man - today has been a rough day! The show must go on....
I am grateful for a place called wood connections. This place brightens my day and makes my wallet bare. oh how I wish I could go there today!
I am grateful for a place called wood connections. This place brightens my day and makes my wallet bare. oh how I wish I could go there today!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Waking up today I have to say that I am EXTREMELY grateful for a garage to park my car in. I have never had a car that I have been able to park in a covered area. until this year. Even before I had my own car I was always up in the cold and snow, bundled up, scrapping car windows. I no longer have to do that! Yay!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I know some people are going to curse me when I say this... "LET IT SNOW!!!"
I am a huge fan of the snow! I love snow (I love summer more :)) I was like a kid in a candy shop this morning when I woke up and saw all of the snow! It makes me feel like the holidays really are upon us. It make me excited. I want to bake, cook, decorate, eat homemade soup, drink hot chocolate in my pajamas on the couch curled up next to Bryce while watching an awesome movie in the dark with the blinds open so we can see the big flakes coming down outside. I want it to snow 6 feet at once so we all get locked in our house for days. That about sums up how I feel about snow. Along with the snow, we have the upcoming holidays to think about. I am very excited for thanksgiving but even more excited for Christmas. I don't want to brush off Thanksgiving but Christmas is my holiday! I love shopping, I love buy gifts, I love putting together gifts in cute ways. can you see why I love Christmas so much?
This year I got an early start on Christmas... I have 2 very special projects on my hands. The first one I am 90% completed and the second one I am about 1% in (I will post more about it when I am more in to it). The first project: My next door neighbor is doing a tree for the festival of trees. I went over last week and it simply looked amazing! I love the color scheme they picked out (blue, silver, and white) and I love the theme: 'hope'. I cannot wait to see it all finished and set up. They have a story of hope to go with it. One of the things they needed for the 'tree' was a hat and a scarf. They also wanted a bunch of present to put under the tree that was going to be donated to PCMC for the kids. I ventured out a few days ago and found the perfect hat and scarf. I am very excited! I also picked up several toys along with wrapping paper to match the tree to wrap them up in. Today I will finishing up the details of the little adventure and taking them over to my neighbor. Doing stuff like this really gets me into the season, instead of focusing on the bad things that may come with the season. I am grateful that I have opportunities like these to keep my mind in perspective of what the holidays really are about.
I am a huge fan of the snow! I love snow (I love summer more :)) I was like a kid in a candy shop this morning when I woke up and saw all of the snow! It makes me feel like the holidays really are upon us. It make me excited. I want to bake, cook, decorate, eat homemade soup, drink hot chocolate in my pajamas on the couch curled up next to Bryce while watching an awesome movie in the dark with the blinds open so we can see the big flakes coming down outside. I want it to snow 6 feet at once so we all get locked in our house for days. That about sums up how I feel about snow. Along with the snow, we have the upcoming holidays to think about. I am very excited for thanksgiving but even more excited for Christmas. I don't want to brush off Thanksgiving but Christmas is my holiday! I love shopping, I love buy gifts, I love putting together gifts in cute ways. can you see why I love Christmas so much?
This year I got an early start on Christmas... I have 2 very special projects on my hands. The first one I am 90% completed and the second one I am about 1% in (I will post more about it when I am more in to it). The first project: My next door neighbor is doing a tree for the festival of trees. I went over last week and it simply looked amazing! I love the color scheme they picked out (blue, silver, and white) and I love the theme: 'hope'. I cannot wait to see it all finished and set up. They have a story of hope to go with it. One of the things they needed for the 'tree' was a hat and a scarf. They also wanted a bunch of present to put under the tree that was going to be donated to PCMC for the kids. I ventured out a few days ago and found the perfect hat and scarf. I am very excited! I also picked up several toys along with wrapping paper to match the tree to wrap them up in. Today I will finishing up the details of the little adventure and taking them over to my neighbor. Doing stuff like this really gets me into the season, instead of focusing on the bad things that may come with the season. I am grateful that I have opportunities like these to keep my mind in perspective of what the holidays really are about.
Friday, November 4, 2011
A few nights ago Bryce and I took some time out to go and enjoy ourselves. Our schedules have been packed full so it was nice to just enjoy some time together. We really wanted to go see Real Steel for a while so it was nice that we had some time. This movie was awesome! It was a great clean movie! Anyone who wants to go see this movie, I would highly recommend it! If you want a good clean movie to take the kids to, pick this one. I hope those who choose to go see this enjoy it just as much as I do.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day #3
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suddenly, he doesn't seem so small to me! |
Here we are in November and I just realized that I complete forgot to make a post about my nephews senior tribute. Well maybe I did remember but I was still mad about certain events that took place on this night. Overall we had a fun filled night, Cam got to play, we stayed up really really really late and had a blast doing it. I appreciate my SIL taking the time to make room in her busy schedule to bring her kids, freeze her tooshy off with me, and drink hot chocolate. It was a great night! Tooele did not win their game but it is what you make of it. I am glad that I have the opportunity to make my nieces and nephews a priority in my life. I was not one who wanted to have kids young. I always said I did when I was younger but I only said it because I felt that was what I was suppose to do. Not having those kinds of responsibilities and a great job with awesome pay has allowed me to do whatever I want with them. These are memories that I can never replace and I am glad, even though I stay crazy busy, that I am able to go out and attend football games, prom dress shopping, prom pictures, paintball nights, sleep overs, scrapbook pig outs, and much more.
Shaking hands with the coach |
Ward trait! We sure do know how to stick out our tongues! |
a few of the seniors after the game for one final pic. This is the exception... only because there is more than one crying :) |
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
NBPM day 2
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My cute parents! |
I am suppose to be working, but I know that if I wait to make a post I will for sure fall asleep in the middle of writing. I am fortunate enough to be able to bring some work home with me (did I really say fortunate enough to bring work home with me?!?!?!?). Well I am. It saves me about 2 hours of my day at work to get other, more pressing things done AND I get paid to sit at my table going over numbers. Who doesn't love working in their pajamas????? So... this will be quick. Last night I had my parents over for dinner for the first time since being on my own. We have gone out to dinner but they have never come to my place. They also got to see the house for the first time since Bryce's mom moved out and it has been (minimally) redone. What was suppose to be a 2 hours help-my-mom-and-have-dinner turned into a 4 hour sam-wants-to-swear deal. My computer was not working for me properly. Correction: My photoshop flat out refused to cut me a break. So for today - I grateful that my computer is working AND photoshop is behaving. Temporarily.
On another side note... after my parents left, the only thing bryce said was: "I really enjoy spending time with your dad. I like talking to him, he has great things to say and very interesting stories." (MELT MY HEART!!!!) There is many reasons why I love Bryce - and that is one of them. My dad is my life and so is Bryce.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I actually remembered! I have seen nablopomo in the past years but as always I forget until the 3rd or 5th or 10th day. It doesnt work if you start late! well this year I remembered! Hallelujah! I can't believe I am acutally going to try to do this! Wish me luck!!!!
This is actually day 1 post... to tell you I am doing this. I would love to write an interesting story but I dont have one. I would love to post pictures but I dont have one. I am at work (shhhhh dont tell!) stay tuned for tomorrow!!!!
post note* just for all of you - I swiped this pic from my nephews facebook page just so I had a picture. I find it hilarious!

This is actually day 1 post... to tell you I am doing this. I would love to write an interesting story but I dont have one. I would love to post pictures but I dont have one. I am at work (shhhhh dont tell!) stay tuned for tomorrow!!!!
post note* just for all of you - I swiped this pic from my nephews facebook page just so I had a picture. I find it hilarious!

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