For anyone who knows me I am a person who cant say no. I went through years of therapist to learn to say no and I did well for a while (kind of) but I always worry that people would be upset or not want to be my friend or it would cause confrontation. It is just easier to say yes and deal with it.
The first week I started back into school for the semester was hectic. I was home around 8:30, eat dinner, shower and go to bed. There was no me time, there was no
Bryce time. the 2
nd week I would get home at 8:30 do homework, eat dinner, shower and around 11 or so I would attempt to hit the pillow. I told myself on that 2
nd week it was only that I was running around getting book and supplies while trying to fit in work and hair both that I was so busy and it will calm down.
Last week I got another call for a new client. I love building up to new clients and I love doing hair but I have been dreading getting they stuff scheduled in with people who are so
demanding and
don't see eye to eye with my schedule. Its draining. I lost it. I cried. I yelled. I pouted. yes I did. Bryce told me it was because of my hormone levels but I knew it was
because I was feeling
neglected, doing some
neglecting myself, and to be honest I am EXHAUSTED running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. In the midst of my blubbering I told Bryce that I was done with hair for the semester. If I
didn't do this I would soon learn to hate it. He told me to rethink it later when I
wasn't hormonal and so needy..
Yesterday I got a friendly reminder from my teacher that we are 6 weeks in to school.. 6 WEEKS! where did that go? and yet my schedule still has not slowed down. I have thought
alot about what to do. My house is lacking,
Bryce is starting to wear stinky clothes
because I am so exhausted that I literally did NOTHING the whole weekend. Its great.. Now to the point of my story..
The new client I told you about last week, I said no.. no for the first time ever. This morning I came to the conclusion that I am doing no hair until the first week in
November(except the commitments in which I already made.. and that is one person and she knows who she is). I need me time and I need time with my baby. I was also asked to do a continuing client and again I said no.. not until the 2
nd week in November. I will write it down now. I said no! for the 2nd time I think in my entire life. I can not believe it. All that money for counseling is finally paying off. FINALLY. I just have to remember what she told me.. and keep that in mind.
Sorry about the rambling..