Sunday, December 20, 2009

Green with Envy

Where the heck have I been??? I have to be honest and say my life has been pretty boring for the last month or so. I have had finals for school, Christmas shopping and now I have a 3 week break from school in which I am trying to catch up on all of the hair that I have neglect on my loved ones. I decided I have had enough of a cluttered bedroom where I cant relax at night when I get home from long hours of work. I have been jealous of all of those who have really nice bedrooms. I feel a bedroom should be ones' sanctuary that has hidden secrets that cant be told. I am green with envy.
so I am remodeling! We have taken out all the crap out of the room (Including the computer!!!) and we are starting fresh. Bryce nor I have ever had a bedroom set so we have been searching high and low for some. we found our dressers now we need to just find out bed. I am hoping our next place will be the lucky one and we will find what we are looking for. As for right now I have an empty room with carpet pulled up and a bed in the middle touching no walls so my wall can dry... It is the color you see above. I will hopefully get the rest of the 3 walls painted tomorrow that will be a nice warm cocoa color that isn't too dark. Wish me luck!
In other news, today is my best friends birthday. I miss her terribly, last night we went to the 'lighting of the candles' at the cemetery. They light a candle for every grave and it is really neat to see hundreds of candles lite. I didn't get any pictures but both Bryce and I stopped at her grave and wished her a happy birthday a day early. If you would like to read my last moments with her and her story click here . In case I am not on here before Christmas I wish you all a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas!

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