Sunday, January 29, 2012


My month is coming to an end and I still have no idea what my goals are going to be. Most of the things I would say would be half-effort. Really they would. I am trying hard to figure out what my yearly goals would be but most of them dont just involve me and I cant make commitments for other, I can only make them for myself (i.e. change positions at work - I am SICK of the phones!). So I sit and ponder. What do I want for the year of 2012? Here is what I want...
I wanna go back down to the Paiute. That is already in the works
I wanna go to Island park. I have been talking about this for 2 years. This is already in the works. I have spent the majority of my day today and countless hours on Friday looking for an awesome cabin that we would call home for a few days.
I wanna do something different, fun and for myself. That is already ongoing (my cake decorating class)
I wanna get back to grocery shopping bi-weekly and doing night dinners... my week off accomplished that one.
As I said, half hearted? yes.. I think so. It is kind of the easy way out since I have put all of those to action. So again, I asked again what I would like to accomplish this year...??? and again I am BLANK!
So here is what I THINK I want to do. It may change in the next week but we will try:
I want to get back on weight watchers and lose 20 pounds. So pathetic but yes, 20 pounds. and I wanna keep it off.
With that one said I am going to do my not-so-remembered goal from last year of getting back to kick boxing. Not to lose weight but because it is something I truly enjoy and it gives me a sense of empowerment.
Again, another not-so-remembered goal from last year, wearing makeup at least once a week. I have some awesome makeup but I don't care to put it on for work. I rather get that extra 10 minutes of sleep. Now I am using a product called 'la lash' that gives me incredible eyelashes so I want to flaunt them!
one more goal for biogsphere. I want to start doing 'my favorite things' post. I don't want to put a restriction on how often because I never know when I am going to start this but just like Wednesday wonders, I wanna put out there things that are currently my favorites must haves or new tries.
The next two goals are purely selfish! the first one. Buy a cute pair of shoes (and take a picture) every other month. Yes that is 6 new pairs of shoes. No I am not telling Bryce :)
The second one, Try a new restaurant every month. Lately, I have tried some new amazing places that I would never think to try and I love them! I want to share them with everyone. This will be a little bit harder since Bryce is so sensitive we are apprehensive to go to new places but I am sure I can find someone to go with me. (Takers??? anyone???)

Now for our goal as a couple:
We are trying to go out on a 'date' once a month. Dress up, look nice and spend the entire night out together with no one else. We go out, but on a whim or we do a grab and go because we are both so busy. We spend alot of time with each other but it is doing other things. We put half effort and go to applebees or villiage inn. This will be a nicer place like the outback or cheesecake factory.

I think that should cover my goals for the next year. It looks like i have alot to accomplish, for now I will take it one at a time. Here is to 2012!!!

1 comment:

Geeta and Tim said...

WOW! It sounds like to me you know what you want. I still haven't figured it out. I may have to adapt some of them for myself... if you don't mind?
I'd like for us to get together once a month or maybe every other month and do something outside of our homes. You are an amazing woman, and I love you!