I am really trying to be more on top of things this semester, with that I guess it is due time for my goals for this year. My first goal is to finish school. Every semester something has come up or gotten in the way of me finishing school. This semester is no different. I have one really messed up teacher who thinks it is ok to not answer emails or call you back. It has left me frustrated, not registered for a class and Hating myself for emailing her boss about it :( oh well right?? I gotta get this done. My next goal is to take my state boards for my license! I am terrified! I know with lots of hard work from Myself, Bryce and my friends I will be able to do so. This is the year that I would like to get my life completely back on track. I have been working 5 1/2 long hard years and it is time to be complete the path so I can enjoy life a little bit more with Bryce. He is working very hard to finish our house and even made a deal with me to not let him work on it during the summer when we should be out camping, hiking and BBQ with family and friends. He is now working eagerly hard while I am in school to finish the utility room and food storage (almost done!!!), basement living room, garage and deck (those are almost done too!) and the upstairs bathroom (blah). Wish us luck.. some days we will need it. Our bedroom is almost complete. I ran out of money (stupid tuition... stupid books...) I promise promise promise to get that completed as soon as I have some free money (anyone need haircuts to support the 'Sam is broke for the moment fund'????????) ok now I am rambling...Bryce has for the first time every decided to not wash his face. Kind of a shock to those who see him often. The time has come for him to finally clean his face! I like his facial hair but I like his baby face. Take a look....
I also decided to throw a bit of a curve ball out there... presenting...
ok that is all you get for now. In case you cant tell (because my hair is still wet from the shower) I went dark... as dark as they come. Welcome to the dark and dirty side.
** Post note. I have one more goal! One more that I think we can all commit to and succeed. I have been trying very hard to NOT do this since the end of October but I have slipped up so now that I have it out in the open means I CANT do it anymore. Texting while driving. I am a severe offender of this but I have tried really hard not to since I was shown a video of what can happen when you text while drive. It was Disturbing but I made myself finish it and it brings back memories of that video every time I open my phone and I am driving. So if you don't hear back from me when you text me I am most likely driving... or I am ignoring you.
Love the Hair... on both of you I guess LOL.
This is a great post and I love the title!! You are such an amazing girl.
ps. I love your hair.
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