Sunday, April 19, 2009

Guess what I got?????

Yes you are right I got my BUMPIT! I am so excited. After 7 long waited weeks the package finally arrived! (please don't laugh. This was early in the morning and my first time using it, no make up, not dressed, not even brushing of the teeth. Hey at least I waxed my eyebrows)

Well Now that we all have our laughs of the day I will recap what has gone over the weekend. Friday was my last class. I still have 2 more Tuesday night (why oh why??) and it was good. I talked to the teacher and he passed me. He knew I wasn't going to be there next week (which is the final.. hey I didn't know about it until I made my camping trip.. camping totally takes prescience) I stayed after class to take what I thought was going to be a rigorous final (dripping with sarcasm) which he informed me that I passed, he wasn't worried and there was no final for me! YAY! I did stay and talk to him about how I thought he was very informative with the class. Being in the hair business already for several years I knew alot of the stuff he already taught. He made things interesting. it was a fun class.. for the most part.

Saturday I woke up bright and early due to some very noisy people! Bryce had another paintball tournament and we had bunches of people here and packing up 'crap' (and by crap I mean gear, tables, shade tents... you get the idea) and then my prince charming came down and kissed me goodbye like he always does. So cute. They did take 2nd place. He had loads of fun and is kind of sore, not nearly as bad today as he was last night. He also left me a note on the desk with a 100 dollar bill. I was going to pack up what I could in our trailer for our camping trip (the count down is on..) and clean and do a few other things. He just wanted me to enjoy myself. he told me not to worry about cleaning or the trailer and to go shopping. AWWWWW.

I did however spend the morning cleaning. Sanding gets EVERYWHERE.. even when you have the room blocked off. it was vigorous work. After about 5 hours of doing so I showered and went shopping to stock up our cute little trailer for next week. We completely emptied it out and of course I have another full week and don't want to do it all last minute. I just wanna pick up and go on Friday. Here are some pics of our finished room. Yes it does not have borders or carpet but for a VERY long time it is going to remain my scrapbook room and Bryce work room. Our time to spend together but be doing our own things. it is going to be awesome. we still have shelving to do and a few other things but just minor work. I present...

The ceiling

Our Window on the south wall

The detailed work or the north wall

The Corner.. time out anyone???

The closet.. It looks like a square closet here but it isn't.. It does in farther and is odd shaped

After all Loading and cleaning the trailer I came in and asked Nikki (Bryce's sis.. Julian, Nikki husband, also plays paintball) if she wanted to go shopping. I had money to burn! We spent a few hours shopping and hit up dinner. I bought a cute new top that is very much springish and a tank top to go under it. We had lots of fun!

Now we are here to Sunday, which we have more work ahead of us. We are heading out with Brittany and Eddie to see the place we are going to go camping. Bryce also want to go to the gun show (I will stay behind...)

Oh and during the week, I had some bad tension headaches so Bryce found our E.T. This is what we do in our spare time..

Oh and yes he totally needs a hair cut! He needs to hire a new hairstylist.. I wonder who that could be! I know I have abandoned him.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Your hair looks cute in braids! Hello Laura Ingalls :)

So is the room a basement room you were just finishing?