Imaginiff I had mind over matter I would:
1) Have all my dreams come true
2) Lose my sanity
3) become a duck
4) would have millions of dollars
5) become a vampire (twilight anyone?)
6) believe in myself
Both of these came into play this last weekend. imaginiff (the game) and mind over matter. Before I delve into that I want to go over what has happened in the last week (gasp, I missed a whole week?????)
last Monday we had the chance to go to a concert. I did not get pics but I promise that I will have pics to the next one. We went mainly to see Royal Bliss. I have had the opportunity to meet the band and let me tell you, they are freakin awesome! I didn't act like a star stuck person either. They are really the most down to earth people I have ever met. They played at the depot with Jet Black Stare and Candlebox. The opening band was Jet Black Stare. They are a really good band. I have never heard of them but I wouldn't mind buying their CD. next was Royal Bliss. They were awesome! That is about all I can say and then Candlebox wrapped it up. they flat out sucked. Sorry for anyone who likes them but we ended up leaving early because they were so horrible. Thanks to my brother, Will, who got the tickets! It was a blast to hang out with him and Jen and just enjoy some good music.
There is no new recipe this last week. I was so sick that I didn't cook at all except Saturday! I will work on anew one this week.
My school report I think went ok. I have been so busy working on it lately. I presented it last Tues and I will find out tomorrow what my grade is. Most importantly I didn't pass out! although I almost (does swallowing it back down count?) threw up, but I was also sick. Woo Hoo!
After all was said and done Brittany and Eddie came over to the house for a nice homemade cooked meal on Saturday. I haven't figured out if they are dead from food poisoning yet but if they aren't I have set a record! we enjoyed the nice weather and had a BBQ and made our famous 'skillet' which is basically a kabob in a special pan for the BBQ. we also had devilish strawberry shortcake for dessert. We played Imaginiff (which was so boring after about 10 minutes.. sorry guys!) but I guess the guys didn't want to get their butt kicked on battle of the sexes. After the game we spent a bunch of time talking and hanging out.
After Brittany and Eddie headed home Bryce and I stayed up to talk about some things that may have come up in the conversation. Weddings. I guess in a sense this is something I do not discuss to Bryce because I am afraid of what he thinks. As in my previous post I mention when you hear something so often you tend to believe what you hear. I do not have a good relationship with my family and it is currently a work in progress. I don't ever think I will have a good relationship with my family. Growing up I was always led to believe that I would never go to prom (sounds childish) but I never went and I regret it! I was also told many times that I would not get married and I believe that I am not good enough for any man (terrible issues huh?) There are a few other things that have come into play over the weekend that just made me think these thoughts. Anywho, back to my mind over matter thing.. we were discussing these things and my self doubts when Bryce turned to me and said Sam have mind over matter.
Bryce has been through some tough things over the last year and a half. He was very sick and a year and a half later he is barely feeling somewhat 'ok' He has spent oodles amounts of money and time at doctor after doctor after doctor with no answers. We have gotten him into a doctor that is currently helping him and we are getting somewhere but it is not just the doctor it is him telling himself that today he will have a good day, with no health problems. telling himself that he will be full of energy and be back to 'normal' in no time. and it has worked! He has felt great (up until Sat) for almost 2 solid weeks. I think it came out to 12 days straight! so back to my problem, he is saying I need to stop focusing on the possibly of getting sick, having a bad day, problems at work, thinking I will scare him away with voicing my hopes and dream, or just the simple fact that I wont ever get married and turn it around into positive. That I am good enough for a guy, I am a good person, and that I will have someone who can put up with me long enough to sign paper saying we are legally bound (Ha!) With all said and done I finally got out my hopes and dreams of my wedding without scaring him off by thinking I am ready to get married RIGHT NOW.
Does mind over matter really work? I am not completely for sure at the moment but I am trying to work on it!
oh and Thanks Eddie and Brittany for making on night enjoyable with good company.. and leaving the calories of the strawberry shortcake to stick to my hips!
All I can say is a positive attitude will always get you further than a worried, or negative outlook. As some Billy Maddison movie guy always says, "You can do it!"
OK I have three things to say.....
1) You need to have a positive attitude ALWAYS!!! Life is way too short to be regretting things and having a negative outlook for your future. If you think happy thoughts you will have happy memories.
2) I think the poisoned food might be kicking in......Just kidding it was very very good.
3) You can't be mad about the shortcake because I was right with you at the gym the next day helping loss those calories.
Don’t worry, just reach for the stars!!!!
In my defense you only ate 1. I ate 2.. in an hour! and I still have 3 left at home. Oh and you cant use the cookie thing against me because you have already used that.
Okay here's my outlook (I realize you didn't ask for it, but unfortunatly you now know me so you're stuck with it =P), it's okay to be sad. Sad is healthy. SOMETIMES. Not every day has to smell like roses. The sad days make us appreciate the happy ones. But Brittany's right in that life is short so make sure you're happy days greatly outnumber the sad ones! Mind over matter? I think that works. I'm a big believer. You'll have to give us an update on your "mind over matter expiriment." Great post! -- PS. I'm planning on going to yoga on thursday but I'm sick with the crud right now so we'll have to wait and see!
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