Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I promised myself I would blog, everyday, in November. Even if that means that I have to when I exhausted. Even when I am too exhausted to think.

I am sooooooooo tired. It has been a painfully long day.

I am sooooooooo glad the day is almost over.

I am sooooooooo ecstatic that the elections are over. I am so sick of people voicing their opinions on to me. Even more I am sick of the radio ads, tv commercials, newspaper articles, news reports, phone calls, etc.

I am soooooooo glad it is bed time. I get to cuddle up under my nice warm electric blanket and dream of sheep jumping over a rickety fence. Oh the sheep are so much better than what I have dreamed about in the past few days.

oh and don't forget, tonight is the last night to enter the give-a-way. Tomorrow I will be announcing the winner!

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