the deck is nearly done! Bryce is putting on the last 10 ballisters as we speak.. anyone wanna come help us seal the sucker??? Anyone??? I am VERY excited for the deck to be done, now we just need to get the hammock up and spend our lazy summer in our backyard. The last 2 major things are the garage and the basement living room. both are which usable and can wait til fall.
Our bedroom is nearly done too! I just have the last 8 pictures to hand up along with our curtains and we are complete. I just got out nightstand today. It has been nice to have our room revamped but it will be nice when it is finished to match what I have been imagining. I have to admit that the before pictures are AWFUL... but I think you will all enjoy the after picture which will be coming soon (along with the deck pictures...)
we cant forget the new bundle of joy that entered in to the family. She is soooooo cute!
Last week I got my papers submitted to the state.. in the next few weeks I will be 'official' even though I was done a few weeks ago. I am excited to have that paper in hand, at about the same time my diploma will come through.
My last piece of exciting news in we got a new washer and dryer! I have been dealing with our old one far too long. I had to convince Bryce it was time and after doing one load of laundry he was on the band wagon. It is so nice to have clean, fresh smelling laundry. our old set got them clean.. to a point. I am very excited! And they are cute!!!!!!
to finish of the events that are going on here are the pictures from my graduation BBQ we had nearly two weeks ago (*Note.. My cute and adorabel nephew, Chad was behind the camera, now you know why there are so many durty looks). Hopefully by week end I will have:
Vegas Pictures
Deck Pictures
Bedroom Pictures
Ok one last story, as we all know my favorite food is pumpkin chocolate chip cookie. I had asked Jen if she would make some and she did. At first it was an on going war of who would consume the first cookie between me and Will: ha ha I won! Not long after I hide the cookies. Half way through the meal Will asks me where I hid the cookies.. This is the picture of me trying to beat my oh so adorable nephew cam to the door.. needless to say he beat me to it and locked me out of my entire house!
Somehow his own mother managed to get her way into the house and got me the cookies. After that it was a full on war of who got the cookies.... I eventually did share the cookies. oh and Will had his own batch sitting at home for him... so he ate mine first then went home to his and didnt share!